Analysis of the socioeconomic consequences in the municipality of Pamplona as a result of the binational crisis with Venezuela.




Binational, Inductive, Insecurity, Migration, Delphi Method


The objective of this study is to analyze the incidence
of the binational crisis between Colombia and
Venezuela on the municipality of Pamplona. It is
necessary to mention that, to carry out the research,
an inductive methodology was used, using the limited
Delphi method where a survey is carried out among
experts in different areas of knowledge. Likewise, a
probabilistic econometric model is estimated with
the objective of comparing the results obtained in
the municipality of Pamplona with the reality of the
department of Norte de Santander. It is necessary
to mention that, for the estimation, data provided
by the National Administrative Department of
Statistics (DANE) was used, specifically from the Large
Integrated Household Survey (GEIH). Among the main
findings are that the migration crisis affected the
commerce and industry sectors of the municipality
and exacerbated social problems such as security and
domestic abuse. Likewise, when comparing the results
of the municipality of Pamplona with those obtained
for the department, it was found that Venezuelan
migration had an impact on the labor market since
it increased the competition of the workforce in the
different sectors of the economy.


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Artículo Originales

How to Cite

Analysis of the socioeconomic consequences in the municipality of Pamplona as a result of the binational crisis with Venezuela. (2024). Mundo FESC Journal, 14(29), 139-156.