Proposal to optimize the face-to-face service model for users in the public employment agency in the northern regional Sena of Santander seeking to positively impact access to employment in the city.


  • Daniel López-Montañez Universidad De Pamplona
  • Francisco Raúl Arencibia-Pardo Universidad De Pamplona
  • Belisario Peña-Rodríguez Universidad De Pamplona



Quality of services, optimization, labor market, labor intermediation, customer satisfaction, operational efficiency.


Using the SENA Public Employment Agency as a study center, which plays a fundamental role in labor intermediation and the development of the labor market in the Northern Santander region, being crucial for the labor insertion of citizens, this research has The main objective is to evaluate the face-to-face care model of the services offered by this agency in its regional performance. The aim is to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of this model, identify areas for improvement and propose recommendations to optimize the provision of services and improve the experience of users in their job search.


The study will focus on analyzing various aspects related to the quality and process optimization of the services offered in person by the SENA Public Employment Agency. The parameters to take into account to carry out the analysis and projection of the proposal are the following: customer service, efficiency in process management, availability of resources, adaptation of job offers to the needs of the local labor market , among others.


A mixed methodology will be used that will combine qualitative and quantitative techniques. Interviews will be conducted with the coordinators and officials of the Public Employment Agency to collect information about their perception of the quality of the services offered. In addition, time will be taken with the Agency's staff to obtain an internal perspective on the processes and challenges related to the provision of services, being fundamental tools for the collection of primary information as input to carry out a sectoral diagnosis of the process focused on having a solid base from which to start in the formulation of the improvement proposal.


The results of this study will provide a comprehensive vision of the quality of the services offered by the SENA Public Employment Agency in Norte de Santander. In addition, possible areas of improvement will be identified and specific recommendations will be proposed to optimize operational efficiency and customer satisfaction in the Agency, in search of satisfaction and improve the quality of service in the aforementioned area, and in this way positively impact the population that uses this agency.


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How to Cite

Proposal to optimize the face-to-face service model for users in the public employment agency in the northern regional Sena of Santander seeking to positively impact access to employment in the city. (2024). Mundo FESC Journal, 14(29).