Design and construction of a prototype of myoelectric prosthesis


  • Pedro Antonio Hurtado Manzanera Universidad Autónoma Ciudad de Juárez
  • David Luviano Cruz Universidad Autónoma Ciudad de Juárez
  • Luis Vidal Portilla Universidad Autónoma Ciudad de Juárez
  • Luz Angélica García Villalba Universidad Autónoma Ciudad de Juárez



Análisis estático, impresión 3D, prótesis transradiales, Sistema mioeléctrico.


The objective of this research is to design and build a prosthesis printed of a hand which receives orders from a myoelectric signal that is located on the user arm. The design presented was generated by means of a 3D printer MakerBot Replicator+ looking for the costs of design and construction to be kept low, in turn to ensure the reliable development of the prototype, structural static analyses were generated for the SolidWorks software to the parts that they compose the same of which obtained results that give confidence to the design realized.
Keywords: Static analysis, 3D printing, transradial prosthesis, Myoelectric system.


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How to Cite

Design and construction of a prototype of myoelectric prosthesis. (2018). Mundo FESC Journal, 8(15), 14-25.