Specialized Technical Training of Teachers in Citizen Security and Penitentiary Services of the National Experimental University of Táchira Security


  • Leidy Diana Castillo Zambrano Universidad Nacional Experimental de la Seguridad Táchira




Formación,Aprendizaje, Desempeño Académico.


The present investigation is part of the design of a Specialized Technical Training Plan for Teachers in Citizen Security and Penitentiary Services of the National Experimental University of the State of Táchira-Venezuela, based on the qualitative approach, its purpose is to provide a greater understanding about of the conceptions of the Specialized Technical Training of teachers in Citizen Security and Penitentiary Services of the National Experimental University of Táchira Security.


The design of the study is not experimental, in this case, the research will not be carried out through the manipulation of variables. To answer the concerns, the key informants were: Four full-time teachers, one Head of Teacher Development, all attached to the Training Center and with more than four years of experience. Regarding data collection, the survey was available as a technique, with the instrument the open questionnaire with 06 items. The information obtained was processed through the diagnosis of the units of analysis through the technique of triangulation. The type of research is field, with a descriptive design, whose phases were carried out through the diagnosis of the group to be investigated. Finally, the visualization of the results reflects that the responsibility for this training rests mainly with the Rector, Vice-Rector, and the authorities in question, but it is also imperative that the teachers who are responsible for the classrooms are taken into account, concluding that they must generate constant revisions of their educational programs and curricular meshes to impart a curricular unit according to the needs presented by the students of the different National Training Plans, in order to improve the training processes, in the same way to associate those requirements with the trainings of the personnel that will have in their hands the work of instructing them.


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How to Cite

Specialized Technical Training of Teachers in Citizen Security and Penitentiary Services of the National Experimental University of Táchira Security. (2018). Mundo FESC Journal, 8(15), 49-61. https://doi.org/10.61799/2216-0388.252