Human and intellectual capital as a catalyst of organizational management


  • Luis Jiménez Rodríguez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Ramiro Gamboa-Suárez Corporación Universitaria minuto de Dios



Recurso humano, ética, organización, sociedad, persona.


The purpose of the preceding document is to outline an opinion from the point of view of the current management of the organization, in terms of its close link with the most precious asset it has, formed by the sum of each and every one of its collaborators. Recognizing that yes, much of its internal users, are mired in a unique need and truth, formed by the monetary resource, being almost always the first scoop for good action within organizations, and many other times not knowing, disrespecting or omitting the duty of their relationship with the organization. The nature of the essay is documentary, with content of personal experiences and aspects of real cases. We must clarify then, that many times the management and control of human resources is made complex, this given, by our banal habits and the difficult of the ethical and moral situation of today. Undoubtedly the moral and ethical factor is fundamental, so that the person with his attitude and commitment, allows the organization to fulfill its objective of being socially responsible and that provides the means for the organizational culture to allow the change of social paradigm and its collaborators are key factors of success.
Mundo Fesc, 15 (1) (2018), 83-89, Enero/Junio 2018, ISSN 2216-0353 (impreso) - 2216-0388 (Online)
Understand that intellectual capital behaves and has been considered as an intangible, which in the light of modern management transfers value to the organization. As a final section we will conclude that those who exercise the administration in the organizations, that although they know of the modern administrative process, in many occasions do not infer about the consequences of having the human resource isolated, knowing of its preponderant role, and accepting that its action in reality is another.
Keywords: Human resource, ethics, organization, society, person.


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How to Cite

Human and intellectual capital as a catalyst of organizational management. (2018). Mundo FESC Journal, 8(15), 83-89.

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