Sports talent: vocational reorientatione


  • Osniel Echevarría-Ramírez Universidad de Las Tunas
  • Yerenis Sarahis Tamayo-Rodríguez Universidad de Las Tunas
  • Bernardo Jeffers-Duarte Universidad de Las Tunas



sport, sport initiation school, sports talent, vocational reorientation, monitoring and control


Sport in the world has its main sustenance in the application of scientific knowledge that is currently deeply affected by social factors, personal, political and economic criteria. In Cuba, although in recent decades there has been no significant progress in the international arena as it used to be in the period from 1970 to 1990 of the last century, sport remains a fundamental space for forging the social character and identity of an entire people or nation. The article presents a reflection on the need for monitoring and control of sports talent in the high performance system for their vocational reorientation according to the evolution of the stage of development in which they find themselves, the objective of which is aimed at identifying when sports talent needs from a strategy of transference of capacities and abilities, to be reoriented within the same sport or towards another sport. In the corpus of the article it is explicit that the School of Sports Initiation is the main responsible for proposing and showing strategies, research projects, innovation and development aimed at the vocational reorientation of sports talent so it is concluded that the monitoring and control of talent sports in the high performance system with criteria of relevance, play an important role to properly face the challenges of the sport in accordance with the demands of Cuban society.


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How to Cite

Sports talent: vocational reorientatione. (2019). Mundo FESC Journal, 10(S1), 7-13.

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