Methodology for the training in the transfer of the quick of technical movements of the hammer throwing


  • Rolando Aliaga-Quiala Universidad de Granma
  • Ángel Ortega-Liens Universidad de Granma
  • José Ignacio Ruiz-Sánchez Universidad de Camagüey



hammer throwing, technical movements,, transfers of the quick


For this research was carried out in the Integral School of the School Sport. EIDE. “Pedro Batista Fonseca”, located in the municipality of Bayamo of the County of Granma, Cuba. For the development of the same one one worked with a population of three athletes of the masculine sex that they practice the hammer throwing, they possess three years of experience in the practice of this modality of the athletics.. This report declared as scientific problem: How to perfect the sport training in the transfer of the quick of technical movements of the turns, at instant end of the hammer throwing? For what thought about as objective: to elaborate a methodology that allows the transfer of the quick of technical movements of the turns, at instant end of the hammer throwing, in athletes of the school category of the EIDE “Pedro Batista Fonseca” of the County of Granma. To give execution to the general objective of these investigation methods they were used at theoretical level, methods at empiric level, statistical and technical mathematical methods of the scientific investigation. As well as the filming technique and the software Kinovea, for the analysis biomechanical of the technique of the throwing of the hammer. After having applied the methodology in three stages, analyzed and interpreted the obtained results, she was proven significant difference in the made tests, in a general way a technical improvement in the athletes, an increment of the initial quick of exit of the implement, as well as the obtaining of magnificent personal and sport results.


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How to Cite

Methodology for the training in the transfer of the quick of technical movements of the hammer throwing. (2019). Mundo FESC Journal, 10(S1), 106-115.