The political ideological work in the net of physical culture and the sports like challenge in the present-day moments


  • Myrna Cao-Cuervo Universidad de La Habana
  • Roger Simón Céspedes-Cepero Universidad de Las Tunas



sport, university youths, subversion, values


In correspondence with the new scenario, marked by the aggravation of the aggressiveness of the government and the United States and a setback in bilateral relations, ideological political work must be done with an increasingly intentional character man-to-man, better conceived theoretically and methodologically that allows neutralizing any enemy action that can contribute to the transformation of those conditions that in our closest environment can promote discouragement, demobilization and consumer promotion, Cuban sport, symbol of the great achievements of our revolutionary process is no stranger to this situation, it is systematically attacked; and in the university buildings in which the future professionals are trained, a strong subversive campaign is carried out that will gain ground insofar as it finds cracks in our training efforts. The ideological preparation of the youth and the exaltation of their most sublime values is a necessity of the revolutionary struggle, one of the indispensable conditions for victory. For this reason, with this work we propose a group of strategic actions of educational and political-ideological work to be developed in the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sport, University of Las Tunas, in order to face the war that is being waged against us.


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How to Cite

The political ideological work in the net of physical culture and the sports like challenge in the present-day moments. (2019). Mundo FESC Journal, 10(S1), 127-133.