Coaching in companies? the management of coaching in contemporary organizations


  • Ender José Barrientos- Monsalve Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Luis Jesús Hurtado-Hernández Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte
  • Anggy karina Lesmes-Silva Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte
  • Diego Mauricio Duarte-Rey Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte



management, coaching management


The purpose of this study is to give the global description about coaching management in contemporary organizations. In the understanding that coaching management is a business process, which through the manager, leader or manager, has the competence and ability to identify and develop the skills and potential of the team of human talent in charge. The essence of profitability and business benefit is sought, with the coach modality, a higher index of membership with the organization touching the human side of it. This process requires evaluation of indicators, which allow business management to rethink situations in which cases it is necessary to optimize time and resources. This study was developed using the qualitative method, essentially bibliographic documentary based on the methodology of Ruiz J. (2003) and the content analysis techniques of Andréu J. (2000). It is concluded that the concept of Coaching Management in contemporary organizations effectively becomes the process through which the preparation and training of human talent is permanently rethought, in managerial settings, with the presence of leadership, and is the leader or coach manager, who must assume the strategies for innovation and training of high performance teams, that being so, would increase the productivity of work and production volumes, responding to the needs and expectations of the client, even if there are contingencies, as each organization It enjoys its very particular personality, especially those companies or organizations that have been maintained over time, for example educational, socio-educational, industrial, sports, environmental, business, among others.


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How to Cite

Coaching in companies? the management of coaching in contemporary organizations. (2019). Mundo FESC Journal, 10(S1), 223-236.