Análisis de la actividad física y alimentaria de los adultos mayores del CEAM La Delicia en cuarentena por covid-19
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The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak has become a pandemic of COVID19 disease. To more effectively contain the disease, it is essential to establish an optimal quarantine period so that approximately 95% of cases are contained, thus reducing the risk of transmission. The study aims to characterize the physical and dietary activity emerging from the QUO status in elderly adults at CEAM the Delicia-Ecuador in Covid19 quarantine status. A mixed methodology of sequential exploratory design was applied. A theoretical documentary analysis and a multiple-choice questionnaire were used for data collection. The data were analyzed in an interpretative and descriptive way through information hiring. Among the results obtained, it is presented that sedentarism induces older adults to dissipate their functional levels in an accelerated way. Stress is related to the sedentary stability established by the quarantine, causing insurrections in sleep generating anxiety to digest food. Researchers recommend a healthy diet in fiber and vitamins, promote exercise in the elderly population as it is considered a clinical problem and public health.
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