Use and applications of integration between quantic Computation and blockchain: exploratory systematic review


  • Fredy Andrés Aponte Novoa Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Daladier Jabba-Molinares Universidad del Norte
  • Pedro Mario Wightman-Rojas Universidad del Norte



quantum attacks, blockchain, quantum computing, post-quantum mitigation


Blockchain technologies in conjunction with quantum computing is a new field of research, which focuses its efforts on the identification and mitigation of the problems that will lead to the maturity and adoption of quantum computing techniques, when consulting scientific publications on These issues, specifically in the Scopus database, can identify that for 30 years research has been carried out on quantum computing, having a growth in the last decade and a greater interest in the last three years, on the other hand almost three decades later they appear Blockchain related publications presenting a slow interest in their beginnings in contrast to their great interest in the last 3 years. In addition, the results of the consultation in this database of the two themes together reflect that only since 2018 are scientific publications presented, particularly for the year 2019 Quantum Computing presents 833 publications, Blockchain 3760 and these two themes together only 5 publications, which presents 0.60% and 0.13%, regarding each subject separately respectively.


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Artículo Originales

How to Cite

Use and applications of integration between quantic Computation and blockchain: exploratory systematic review. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(21), 156-165.