Var static compensator for distribution systems


  • Yeison Yair Ojeda-Rebolledo Universidad de Pamplona
  • Luis David Pabón-Fernández Universidad de Pamplona
  • Edison Caicedo-Peñaranda Universidad de Pamplona
  • Jorge Luis Díaz-Rodríguez Universidad de Pamplona
  • Aldo Pardo-García Universidad de Pamplona



power factor correction, compensators, reactive power, reactive energy, efficiency


This article presents the design and simulation of a static compensator for power factor control by injectingreactive power into the network. For this, the system estimates the reagent consumption of the load and thereagent contribution from the supply is suppressed through a closed-loop control system that acts on the firingangles of the compensator thyristors, taking the factor of power to a value of one and minimizing the currentcomingfromthenetwork


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How to Cite

Var static compensator for distribution systems. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(21), 70-86.

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