Effect of morphological filters on the moving object detection process


  • Sergio Alexander Castro-Casadiego Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Karla Yohana Sánchez-Mojica Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte- Fesc
  • Karla Cecilia Puerto-López Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Carlos Vicente Niño-Rondón Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Byron Medina-Delgado Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Dinael Guevara-Ibarra Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander




back ground subtraction, morphological filters, objectdetection, image processing


In the processes of background subtraction applied to the detection of moving objects, one of the most relevant stages is the filtering by morphology, where the image is simplified and most of the shape characteristics of the objects are preserved. Therefore, a comparison is made between the operations of dilation, erosion, opening, closing and gradient in video images with static background, where people circulate in uncontrolled environments, to determine their behavior in the detection and counting of people. Image processing is performed in Python language and the specialized computer vision package OpenCV is used. In addition, a graphical user interface was developed using Tkinter to enter the values of the size and shape of the structural element for processing. When applying the morphological filtering by dilatation, a success in the detections of 82.28 %, with erosion the accuracy was 81.86 %, while, with the opening, closing and gradient operations the accuracy was 83.69 %, 93.07 % and 87.69 % respectively.


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How to Cite

Effect of morphological filters on the moving object detection process. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(21), 87-95. https://doi.org/10.61799/2216-0388.676

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