Characterization of raw materials and preparation of ceramic pastes for a company located in the metropolitan area of Cúcuta, Colombia
ceramic tile, characterization, ceramic paste, raw materials, technological propertiesAbstract
In the present work the results of characterization of raw materials and formulation of ceramic pastes are presented for a tiles manufacturer located in the metropolitan area of Cúcuta, aimed at reducing the heterogeneity in the technological properties between production batches. Initially a process of characterization of raw materials by techniques such as X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction and thermal análisis (thermic dilatation coefficient) was performed. Complementary to this, an analysis of physical-ceramic type at laboratory scale (Percentage of water absorption, firing shrinkage and mechanical resistance to flexion) was performed in order to know the behavior of each raw material and thus, propose ranges of use in the ceramic pasta from a statistical model. Five ceramic pastes were formulated from the characterization process, the ceramic process was carried out (laboratory) establishing the values of the technological properties that the selected company usually controls for this process. The best performance ceramic paste was used in the industrial system, where it was evidenced by monitoring for several days of production (31 days) that is complied with the control parameters of the company and that in addition the data obtained show less dispersion with respect to the values obtained with the ceramic paste used today. addition the data obtained show less dispersion with respect to the values obtained with the ceramic paste used today
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