Pestel analysis in the current context of thermal lubricants in Latin America


  • María José Mateus-Cruz Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Luis Eduardo Trujillo-Toscano Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • María Isabel Meza-Chavarro Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



technological, ecological, legal, lubricants, pestel analysis, political, economic, social


The goals of this research is focused on performing a PESTEL analysis of the use of lubricants in thermal engines in Latin America. It is necessary to identify the base information to complete each one of the factors that are evaluated in this type of research and following a methodology that is proposed for the step by step. In this document we will find the approach and formulation of the prob-lem, which will allow us to propose the basis of the problem we wish to analyze. Subsequently, the objectives are determined, both general and specific, allowing us to identify which are the points of the problem to be solved by this research. After defining the objectives to be fulfilled, the main reasons that justify the present research are analyzed, determining the bases that give rise to and guide where the research should be directed to build new information that will allow the devel-opment of future research in this field. In order to solve the needs of the project, it is necessary to use a methodology that summarizes the sequence that must be followed in the research, determining how the information to be used will be ob-tained and how the PESTEL analysis will be developed later on. Finally, the ex-ecution schedule of this research and the deliverables that will be obtained at the end of this project are determined.


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How to Cite

Pestel analysis in the current context of thermal lubricants in Latin America. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(21), 221-239.