Transforming and innovative leadership key to the success of sustainable entrepreneurship
sustainable entrepreneurship, leader, transformational and innovative leadership, profileAbstract
The purpose of this article is to identify transformational and innovative leadership as a key to success for sustainable entrepreneurship. In this sense, it is important to understand that enterprises are organizations or social units where there is a relationship between the different factors that make them up; additionally, they must have different types of resources that have to be managed effectively to achieve the objectives they have set. Therefore, leaders are needed whose actions and decisions have a direct influence on the performance of organizational management. Methodologically this research is oriented under the quantitative approach, with a descriptive scope, and a non-experimental, transactional, field design, the technique for data collection was the survey applying a questionnaire consisting of 54 items, with Likert style response alternatives with 5 response alternatives, it was applied to the fourteen (14) employees of a sustainable enterprise. The results showed that the activities of the employees are not controlled or supervised by the manager, so their activities lack the necessary effectiveness and efficiency, in addition there is not an adequate delegation of authority and responsibilities to the staff, causing discomfort in the staff so that their attitude becomes apathetic. In conclusion, the leaders of this enterprise do not show signs of the characteristics that a transforming and innovative leader must possess, endangering its survival.
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