Sexuality submerged in the self
intimate spheres, sexual practice, private and publicAbstract
This article proposes to analyze the narrated sexual practices of 30 students from different Villavicencio programs, Corporación Universitaria Minuto of Dios (UNIMINUTO) within the framework of the Research project "A comprehensive look at sexual practices in UNIMINUTO students" through virtual conversations from the biological, emotional, political, sociocultural with a perspective on Education, Language and Pedagogy; It is based on a qualitative research, with a phenomenological approach, the narrative biographical method located in a narrative matrix where the categories of analysis emerge: intimate, private and public sphere, which configure a type of sexual practices. As a result, emergent narratives are described regarding the territory without others, the non-presence and sexuasocialization, are elements that relate sexual practices in this group of students. In conclusion, sexual practices are narrated from the intimate and private spheres juxtaposed in the social sphere without territory, this gives rise to a time of non-presence where the subject is sexual performance, and historically realizes in the human, from the nomadic homo to the public and political homo, the latter as a bet of resistance to the capitalist model (neoliberalism) through the encounter, disagreement, connection, relationships that imply alterity in the group of students who made part of this process to eroticize sexual practices.
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