IoT safety device supported by sensors for bicycle monitoring
big data, IoT, georeferencing, sensors, securityAbstract
The manufacture of internet of things devices focused on citizen security specifically to the real-time monitoring of items such as bicycles, seeks that from the academy students can strengthen their skills in the development of Software, Electronics and Telecommunications under the context of contributing to problems that societies are constantly suffering such as bicycle theft, a scourge of great impact in the main cities of Colombia. The main objective of the research revolves around the themes of the Internet of Things and BigData, developing a device adaptable to bicycles that allows detecting in real time when the bicycle was stolen thanks to sensors and internet connection, allowing it to be located by means of a map interactive, supported by a mobile application that visualizes the precise place where the bicycle is. As a methodology, an applied research was carried out under a descriptive analysis level, taking the development through a first phase where a state of the art was developed to support the project and thus achieve the definition of functional and non-functional requirements, together with the modeling of the system. A second phase that allowed identifying the hardware to be used for the construction of the IOT device and a third phase of testing and implementation. As a result, an IOT device supported by sensors was obtained together with a mobile application that allows monitoring the bicycle on a map and feeding a non-relational database in real time to perform BigData. With this device, it is possible to contribute to improving public safety and impacting bicycle recovery efforts once they are stolen by criminals.
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