Production and consumption of renewable energy. Wind energy in Mexico
trade and environment, emissions, wind energy, renewable energyAbstract
The global energy transition seeks the generation of energy through renewable sources. This trend has been proposed to reduce costs, pollute emissions and contribute to the care of the environment. Unlike other countries with significant investments in clean energy, the production of renewable energy in Mexico, at least until 2019, has had significant growth, mainly in wind energy generation. The objective of the article is to distinguish between fossil and renewable sources in the total production and consumption of energy in Mexico and in the southern region of the country, which is characterized by its wind energy potential, to identify the productive potential of clean energy, and whether energy demand is met or imported. With a quantitative approach, the research is exploratory and descriptive, on official data and statistics. Among the main results is that energy has productive independence in the region and is a possible long-term exportable material.
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