Changes in the teaching-learning process in an HEI as a result of Covid-19


  • Mónica Eliana Aristizábal Velásquez Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Sonia Ruth Quintero Arrubla Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Ubeimar Aurelio Osorio Atehortúa Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



Covid-19, Higher Education, Learning, Teaching, Training




The world experienced, in the last year, a series of variations to its daily life from the outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic, not only health and the economy presented structural changes, but Higher Education had to rush to respond adequately to the changes that the public health situation worldwide required. Although many Universities or Institutions of Higher Education advanced in elements for virtuality and synchronous work under technological mediation, the development of the teaching-learning processes that were oriented were still closely related to presence. Objective. The objective of this study is to determine the differences in the teaching-learning processes from the students' perception, before and during the Covid-19 Method. A study with an analytical empirical approach, of correlational scope and non-experimental design, was carried out, which had a probabilistic sample of students from the Faculty of Education of the Luis Amigó Catholic University. Results. Statistically significant differences were found, with p values <0.05, between the teaching-learning processes carried out before Covid-19 and during Covid-19. Conclusion. It was possible to conclude that the proposed hypothesis is accepted from the statistical results.


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How to Cite

Changes in the teaching-learning process in an HEI as a result of Covid-19. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S3), 195-205.