Mppt algorithm using amplitude phase variation in multilevel grid connected photovoltaic inverter
multilevel inverter, photovoltaic system, maximum power point tracking, synchronization algorithm, amplitude and phase modulatedAbstract
This paper presents a two-stage, common-source, single-phase, cascade, H-bridge, multilevel photovoltaic inverter that adopts a maximum power point tracking algorithm that at the same time enables synchronization and grid monitoring. the 2-stage common source cascade H-bridge converter allows that the entire device works with a single source, provided by the array of photovoltaic generator, and allows the maximum number of levels in the voltage waveform, for this case it would be 9. For the algorithm, a PLL is used as a synchronization technique and the proposed control strategy allows to regulate the active and reactive power in a simplified way by changing the phase angle and amplitude of the modulated sinusoidal signal that controls the inverter. To the maximum power point tracking, the phase angle is controlled and to regulate the supply of reactive power the amplitude of the modulated wave is modified. The article describes the operating principles of both the inverter and the proposed technique, in the same way the modelling of the system is presented in the specialized software Matlab Simulink and it is tested in different irradiance, temperature and load scenarios in order to verify the response of the proposed device faces changes that allow validating the correct operation of the control and the inverter
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