Digital marketing strategies of MSMEs in a border city in times of covid-19


  • Eliana Caterine Mojica-Acevedo Universidad de Pamplona
  • Gladys Adriana Espinel-Rubio Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Juan Pablo Grimaldo-Mora Universidad de Pamplona



Covid-19, colombian-venezuelan border, digital marketing, MSMEs, social media


MSMEs in Colombia represent 90% of the national productive sector. These were affected during the first half of 2020 by the Covid19 health emergency and the declaration of mandatory confinement by the Government, which led to the implementation of digital marketing strategies in their business models. This article identified and analyzed using these strategies in 27 MSMEs in the restaurant industry and entertainment Cucuta, Norte de Santander on the border with Venezuela, with an unemployment rate of 22.5%. In the city there are 1,229 micro-businesses in the sale of prepared meals and 353 as other recreational activities that were affected by curfews, restrictions to congregate and the loss of purchasing power due to the loss of jobs. Based on an analysis of the networks of their digital platforms, it was found that the micro-enterprises generated new content on their social networks, which allowed them to survive and remain in the market. The use of E-commerce and emotional marketing favored communication with their customers and loyalty even in the midst of the pandemic, as evidenced by interactions on social media accounts. In conclusion, the MSMEs of the gastronomic and entertainment sectors of Cúcuta must continuously be trained and updated in information and communication technologies, for an optimal response to challenges posed by the demands of society where consumption habits generated by the pandemic are irreversible.



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Artículo Originales

How to Cite

Digital marketing strategies of MSMEs in a border city in times of covid-19. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S1), 88-103.

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