Children's citizen orchestra project: musical education and social practice, innovating and contributing to the development of citizenship and transformation of society


  • Juliana Cerqueira De Macêdo -Soares UNIFG
  • Thiago Vasconcellos -Modenesi UNIFG



children's citizen orchestra, musical education, social transformation


The present work is based on the principles of non-formal education, the learning of which occurs through organized actions of self-learning and collective learning, built in innumerable ways, taking into account social, cultural and economic factors. The non-formal education modality can be experienced in organizations, training programs, social projects, among others. In the case under study, a prominent social project in the state of Pernambuco is the Orquesta Ciudadana Infantil (OCC) directed by the Associação Beneficente Criança Cidadã (ABCC). She has been working for 14 years, working with children and young people between 6 and 21 years old, and her main objective is to train citizens, in addition to rescuing and preventing the risk of marginalization. Through music teaching, professionals have worked on the construction of citizenship and professional training. The research question of this study is to know how non-formal education, through sociomusical learning, has contributed in an innovative way to the exercise of citizenship and the social transformation of children and young people who members of the Children’s Citizen Orchestra are. The general objective is to understand how non-formal education, through sociomusical learning, has contributed in an innovative way to the exercise of citizenship and to the social transformation of the children and young people who are members of the Children's Citizen Orchestra. For this, the qualitative methodological course consisted of the collection of secondary data, an open questionnaire with students and teaching professionals of the institution and field observation. From the data analysis it was found that the teaching method, due to its characteristics, is considered innovative; and the learning dynamics, as well as the benefits made available, have favored the professional training and social changes of the students, thus being reflected in their families and in the community.


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How to Cite

Children’s citizen orchestra project: musical education and social practice, innovating and contributing to the development of citizenship and transformation of society. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S2), 33-45.