Repercussions of Covid-19 pandemic (Sars-Cov2) on health and education
corona virus, education, online learning, healthAbstract
Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the dynamics of our society, with global consequences. For this reason, from the documentary research approach, to obtain relevant data on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in the areas of health and education. Methodologically, the information was searched through different databases such as Science Direct, PubMed, Medline, Redalyc, Scielo, Springerlink and Scopus. Documents published in Spanish and English taken as the inclusion criteria. Subsequently, through the analysis of the information, the theoretical elements that allowed to make interpretative statements about the subject of study were found. Regarding the education sector, it is clear the impact that Covid-19 has generated at a global level, it has involved changes in educational methodology at all levels, from basic education to higher education. The Covid-19 pandemic has generated repercussions in all the areas of human life; the affectation of the different fields is, directly and indirectly, related to the education and health of the population, in turn, this is a situation that has led societies to an unprecedented adaptation process that will leave lessons and sequels at a global level.
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