Comparative analysis of thermal and mechanical properties of straw and compressed earth blocks versus traditional masonry products


  • Carmen Xiomara Díaz-Fuentes Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Sergio Alejandro Ríos-Cruz Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Sergio Andrés Cano-Macias Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



Thermal insulation, block, energy efficiency, straw, constructive solutions


Straw is a material with benefits of resistance to humidity, thermal and acoustic insulation. Therefore, this paper studies thermal and mechanical properties of a constructive solution manufactured with straw and compressed earth, in order to compare it with traditional systems. The methodology is applied research and was developed in 3 phases: characterization of thermal and mechanical properties of the material, analysis of the temperature behaviour of 4 product types through simulations in ANSYS and development at 1:1 scale of 4 block types. The results obtained are contrasted with literature of traditional systems. The results show improvements in thermal performance of the composite material of straw and compressed earth, compared to products made of clay, concrete, adobe, among others. Nevertheless, the characterization of mechanical strength is inferior to traditional products. Notwithstanding, the material meets minimum non-structural standards. Finally, temperature behaviour of perforated block typologies reduces interior surfaces 7.31 °C, compared to solid typologies. The feasibility of implementing new construction solutions is based the recognition of the properties of the material and its benefits for architecture.


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How to Cite

Comparative analysis of thermal and mechanical properties of straw and compressed earth blocks versus traditional masonry products. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(s4), 96-109.

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