Rising competitiveness in organizations: An analysis of efficiency and productiveness
Efficiency, Productivity, Competitiveness, Productivity tools, SustainabilityAbstract
This article presents the different tools, techniques and methods for the improvement of efficiency and productivity in organizations. A rational, qualitative, descriptive analysis was carried out by means of an exhaustive review of scientific articles in the Scopus database, in a time horizon of 2015 to 2020, with which 526 articles were found, after reviewing the A summary of each of them and reading their content in depth were filtered to 33 articles, subsequently, a final selection of 25 articles was made, the results of which respond directly to the research questions formulated, with the selection criteria: 10 most cited articles, 10 most recent publications and 5 most cited reviews. The results obtained showed that the use of information technologies in operations and in the management system of a company positively influence the increase in efficiency and productivity and added value against the competition.
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