Active pedagogies in financial mathematics




Active pedagogies, Financial mathematics learning, Knowledge construction, Cooperative learning, Collaborative learning, Problem solving


Introduction: Active pedagogies are a set of methodologies that involve students as protagonists in their own learning process, allowing them to develop their own knowledge competencies in an active process in which they construct their own knowledge. The research aims to describe, from the point of view of students and teachers, the active pedagogies together with the pedagogical practices used by teachers in administrative science programs in the city of Cúcuta-Colombia in the teaching of financial mathematics with the purpose of establishing their relationship with the learning they acquire in their specific area of professional training. The research is of an educational nature and is framed in a mixed multimethod approach. From the quantitative paradigm, it is cross-sectional and explanatory with information obtained through open-ended surveys applied to students. From the qualitative paradigm, it is approached through an interpretative approach based on interviews with teachers who guide the subject of financial mathematics. Conclusion: The application of active pedagogies in the teaching of financial mathematics leads to students' satisfaction because they consider that it generates interest in what they study and thus they assimilate the contents better and develop competences for working in groups, searching for information and applying knowledge in their professional field. The teachers state a lack of training, which has led them to additional work of self-training in the use of active methodologies together with the assimilation of the complexity in the preparation of didactic material for its implementation, but they are satisfied with the results, since in this way they ensure that each student learns at his own pace, works cooperatively with his classmates, develops his spirit of responsibility and achieves a significant learning of financial mathematics.


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How to Cite

Ospina Hernández, G. G., Gallardo Pérez, H. de J., & Villamizar Jaimes, D. (2023). Active pedagogies in financial mathematics. Mundo FESC Journal, 13(26), 200–212.



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