Design and implementation of an artificial vision system using a slamming technique on a mobile robotic platform
visión artificial, sistema de percepción, SLAM, software, LSD_SLAMAbstract
The SLAM is one of the algorithms that were born with the intention of being able to position the
robot in an unknown environment while navigating through it and using the above information from
its sensors to build a map of the environment in which it is located. . To achieve the mapping, several
investigations have used sensors of ultrasound type, LIDAR, even cameras using artificial vision. The
objective of this research is focused on applying a SLAM technique on a mobile robotic platform. To
achieve this objective, a study is made of different existing SLAM methodologies that could meet the
expectations resulting in the LSD-SLAM, which with a suitable camera is able to obtain a semi-dense
3D map of the environment in which it works. It also develops in ROS (Robot Operating System) defined
as operating system, which should be taken into account for future research thanks to its great features.
Once researched, selected and implemented, the programming of the system was started by means of
tools and libraries which have support, in terms of reliable documentation and previously programmed
for their use.
Keywords: Laptop, cooling, HUB-USB, Master Cooler.
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