Implementation of improvements in the process of cleaning tests of an automotive product


  • Karina Ivette Lozano-Huizar Universidad Autónoma Ciudad de Juárez
  • Luis Alberto Rodríguez-Picón Universidad Autónoma Ciudad de Juárez
  • Luis Carlos Méndez-González Universidad Autónoma Ciudad de Juárez
  • Iván Juan Carlos Pérez-Olguín Universidad Autónoma Ciudad de Juárez



particle contamination, particle size study, gravimetry, metalnox liquid, membrane, particles


The product under study in the present article is an automotive harness whose critical quality condition is given in the intern cleaning of its components; this indeed is a critical process activity because it enables the right functionality of the product. The cleaning process is carried out by injecting a liquid solvent into the tubes and hoses of the harness, this liquid has the function of eliminate oil, grease, and any other contaminant particle from the interior of the harness. As the liquid is injected by pressure, the particles end incrusted in a membrane at the end of the cleaning process. This membrane is subjected to a particle size study to determine if the harness contamination is under the customer criteria. The current conditions of the cleaning process indicate that there are various quality problems due to different circumstances. In this paper, all of these circumstances are analyzed by using different engineering tools. In the performed analyses it was found that the liquid solvent used in the cleaning process is contaminated and there is no implemented plan for replacement. Furthermore, the equipment used in the cleaning process requires adjustments to improve its performance, which would enable to improve the quality of the product.


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How to Cite

Lozano-Huizar, K. I., Rodríguez-Picón, L. A., Méndez-González, L. C., & Pérez-Olguín, I. J. C. (2020). Implementation of improvements in the process of cleaning tests of an automotive product. Mundo FESC Journal, 10(19), 7–19.



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