Neurobótica: tool for accelerated learning in educational settings




accelerated learning, hemisphere, gymnastics


Many innovators have recognized the difference between data acquisition and creative transformation, so recent findings in brain function are beginning to elucidate this dual process; Keep in mind that understanding both sides of the brain are important to unlocking creative potential. The purpose of this article is to analyze the importance of neuróbotica as a tool to stimulate accelerated learning, based theoretically on the postulates. This article is based on a qualitative approach, based on document analysis. In the same way, a descriptive analytical type of research was used. Regarding the units of analysis, the documents related to Neurobotics are used; cerebral hemisphere and accelerated learning, which will be analyzed through an analysis matrix. Among the results, each of the variables can be related since to stimulate the hemispheres it is necessary to have movements that help accelerate the learning of the students, allowing them to create mental maps of the environment they are studying. Considering the above, it is concluded that a person who has an indicator or develops creativity is a person who is capable of processing information from their environment and context in a different and new way than usual.


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How to Cite

Neurobótica: tool for accelerated learning in educational settings. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S2), 371-384.

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