Teacher stress in university education during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
organizational learning, administrative sciences, business model innovation, innovationAbstract
The scope of this article is to analyze the indicator of university teaching stress during the periods of confinement due to the pandemic, the easing of confinement and the return to face-to-face. Regarding the analysis of the teacher stress indicator in the three periods of time, it was supported in the development of academic and research activities in the remote, blended learning and face-to-face educational models. In particular, the analysis focused on the variables time dedicated to planning and developing teaching and research activities, the teacher's heart rate, and stress. The methodological design was supported by the multi-method approach, which integrates quantitative and qualitative methods; In particular, three studies were integrated in which the teacher stress indicator was analyzed for a week in academic semesters that correspond to the period of confinement due to the pandemic, the semester of easing of confinement and the period of return to face-to-face attendance. Teacher stress data was recorded through a non-invasive method using a Smartphone-type electronic device and a mobile application. The main result of this research is to consolidate a construct that allows identifying the scenarios in which higher indicators of teacher stress are generated based on different educational models in order to design strategies that improve the mental, physical and behavioral health of university teachers. Taking as a reference the analysis of the university teacher stress indicator according to the educational models in the pandemic and in the transition towards the return to face-to-face attendance, it is concluded that teacher development strategies should be designed that focus the scope on the didactics of technology. for disciplinary development, in academic management and in the integration of teaching and research activities.
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