Human trafficking: different perspectives, the same social problem
human trafficking, Perceptions, perception, social problemAbstract
This research article presents a detailed and complete study of the perception of human trafficking among the inhabitants of the El Llano neighborhood of the municipality of San José de Cúcuta, carried out using the phenomenological method and from the qualitative paradigm, the collection of information It was carried out through semi-structured interviews and the results were analyzed through open coding, in light of the theories of human security and the human rights approach, in which fear stands out as a defense mechanism for the residents of the neighborhood; the treatment of sex workers as the main problem; participation in the culture of crime, prostitution and the sale of narcotics or, as the inhabitants stated, "euphoric drugs" as a disguise for social reality, which according to the key participants, is perhaps the main reason for the social situation experienced in area. Among the most relevant conclusions is that despite the fact that the problem of human trafficking has existed for more than a century and that it is a very old practice in the history of humanity, it has been made invisible by society in general, due to On the other hand, it is concluded that human trafficking is a global problem that must be studied and analyzed from the scientific community to give some approximations to the positive transformation of said reality, this is how this article will mainly focus on determining the perception of trafficking. of people in the study area.
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