Application of the 8D methodology for problem solving: A case study in the automotive industry


  • Daniel Aguilar-Morales Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad de Juárez
  • Luis Asunción Pérez-Domínguez Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad de Juárez
  • Karla Yohana Sánchez-Mojica Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte FESC



8D, 8D Automotive, 8D methodology, problem solving.


In important economic sectors, such as the automotive industry, problem solving plays an important role in quality assurance. A tool that helps us to describe, contain, correct and prevent any type of problem is the 8D methodology. It consists of 8 steps or phases that seek to solve a problem and prevent recurrences. This article deals with an application of this method within an automotive manufacturing company and details the steps that were carried out to solve the problem that arose.


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How to Cite

Application of the 8D methodology for problem solving: A case study in the automotive industry. (2022). Mundo FESC Journal, 12(23), 259-268.

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