Perception of the colombian-venezuelan border in the Oriente Noticias news from the regional TV channel TRO


  • Félix Joaquín Lozano-Cárdenas Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Pedro Felipe Díaz-Arenas Universidad del Quindio
  • Margarita Rosa Peñaloza-Durán Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



border, Journalistic discourse, linearity, Zonality


This article publishes the results of a research project that aimed to analyze the perception from the audiovisual journalistic discourse on the Colombian-Venezuelan border in the Oriente Noticias news that is broadcast by the Regional Television Channel TRO, with coverage in the departments Santander and Norte de Santander, in eastern Colombia. Discourse analysis and semiotic analysis of the audiovisual text were applied in the methodological component of the analysis, applied in an observation window of forty-five (45) days. The study's findings showed that a contradiction appears in the journalistic articles of the Oriente Noticias news program: its images and graphic codes point to a notion of linearity -the camera and the infographics emphasize the bridges, alcabalas and demarcations that They divide the two countries-, while the linguistic and sound codes point towards a notion of zonality –the journalist's voice and sound story reiterates the notion of brotherhood, mutuality, spaces and customs that are shared between Colombia and Venezuela.



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How to Cite

Perception of the colombian-venezuelan border in the Oriente Noticias news from the regional TV channel TRO. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S6), 302-315.

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