Raising in the youth: a career with diverse meanings


  • Erika Maldonado-Estevez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Ruth Betsabé Olivares-Parada Universidad de Pamplona
  • Doris Amparo Parada-Rico Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander




child upbringing, cultural interaction, parent-child relationship, socialization


Upbringing in a youthful condition implies adjustments and transitions in the course of life, changes can occur in the conception of oneself and the construction of different meanings according to their experiences, contexts and own capitals. The objective of the research focused on interpreting the meanings built around the upbringing of sons and daughters in young fathers and mothers of the municipality of Cúcuta. This work has a qualitative interpretative phenomenological approach, which seeks to investigate with the “Other” those configurations visible from their narratives. In-depth interviews are used. Eight participants were integrated, including young fathers and mothers, who had sons and daughters aged between three and six years. The results yielded three large categories that address the meanings that emerge in this racking: a career in which the care of the other and self-forgetfulness are intertwined; a transit with the sons and daughters in a relationship of peers and, finally, one that accounts for a kind of artisans who, from their own knowledge, are shaping various upbringings. It is concluded that young people in the exercise of upbringing, go building together with the son and daughter, a cofigurative relationship, in the midst of which they enjoy this role in youth, they are creators of particular forms of upbringing, and in the midst of the social ambiguity that sometimes stigmatizes them and in others recognizes them, they develop agencies that promote previous projects and learning for the care of their sons and daughters.


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How to Cite

Raising in the youth: a career with diverse meanings. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S6), 386-397. https://doi.org/10.61799/2216-0388.1234

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