Literacy at the UFPS: an exploratory look at its pedagogical practice


  • Leonardo Alexis Vera-Romero Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Erika Alejandra Maldonado-Estévez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Ruth Betsabé Olivares-Parada Universidad de Pamplona



literacy, pedagogical practices, reading skills, writing, textual typologies, literacy skills, reading, practice, texts


This research describes the results of the analysis of the pedagogical practices of the subjects that focus on reading and writing development at the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, for which a preliminary inquiry was conducted with 170 students from 11 academic programs, in the first semester of 2022. The objective was to determine the students' perceptions about the development of pedagogical practices in those subjects related to communicative acts. The information was collected taking into consideration a Likert scale type test developed by the "Red de Lectura y Escritura en Educación Superior" (Redlees) for the project entitled "initial training in reading and writing at the university: from secondary education to academic performance in higher education" which was executed between 2011 and 2015 at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. It was possible to conclude that there is interest on the part of teachers to encourage the development of reading and writing skills, which is why they resort to the use of different strategies and textual typologies, focusing especially on the three skills promoted by the Saber Pro tests.


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How to Cite

Literacy at the UFPS: an exploratory look at its pedagogical practice. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S6), 483-497.

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