Public risk: a risk factor present in organizations.


  • Blanca Johanna Pérez Fernández Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Cúcuta, Colombia.
  • Martha Lucia Vargas Villamizar Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Cúcuta, Colombia.



Aggression, Self-care, Hazard, Risk perception, Public Risk


 Public Risk for this research was considered as the most important internal factor among the list of hazards to which the workers of the company 3M Soluciones Integrales Generales S. A. S are exposed, especially those who provide services of concierge, porter and various trades on horizontal properties in the metropolitan area of San José de Cúcuta. The mixed research methodology was the most suitable for collecting and analyzing information, achieving better results through the integration and triangulation of quantitative and qualitative methods. The scope of the research was descriptive and the main objective was the Design of the Public Risk Program for the Company. The specific objectives allowed the identification of activities and actions in which employees were exposed to public risk; the recognition of intervention measures by the company to minimize public risk and the proposal of control or preventive measures aimed at mitigating public risk. public. It was evidenced that the registration of entry and exit of visitors and users is the only intervention measure implemented by the company in order to mitigate public risk, that employees are not properly trained on the subject of public risk, and although most claim to feel safe at their jobs, often if there have been situations related to this factor, such as verbal violence, physical aggression and threats from the resident or visiting community to these horizontal properties. It is recommended that a direct line of action be established jointly between the employer and the worker to strengthen the perception and culture of public risk.


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Artículo Originales

How to Cite

Public risk: a risk factor present in organizations. (2023). Mundo FESC Journal, 13(S1), 119-136.

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