Analysis of the implementation of ultra high density grazing with white and black eared cattle in the experimental farm of the university Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña


  • Cesar Augusto Uron Castro UFPSO, GIPAB Vía Acolsure sede El Algodonal, Ocaña, Colombia
  • Carolina Bastos Alvarado UFPSO, GIPAB Vía Acolsure sede El Algodonal, Ocaña, Colombia



Natural cycles, ecosystem, biomass, grazing, cattle


Livestock farming in Colombia contributes 1.6% to the GDP, but is also classified as a source of greenhouse gases, a contaminant of water resources and a cause of loss of biodiversity. This information contrasts with research that indicates that herbivores are the main soil activators, favoring the natural cycles of carbon, nitrogen, water, ethylene and the activity of microorganisms, for which they have a regenerative function within the co-evolution of ecosystems. For this reason, the experience of implementation of ultra high density grazing (PUAD) and regenerative practices in the experimental farm of the UFPSO will be analyzed. Its application increased the production of biomass in the gauges, with grazing efficiencies of 78.53%, going from having an average height of the pasture of 0.59 m to 0.95 m reducing the time of rest of the pasture from 60 to 45 days, improves the disposition of feces and increases significantly the capacity of the prairies. Therefore, PUAD and regenerative practices are the appropriate way to manage the meadows, decreasing pollution and deterioration, making them more productive.


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How to Cite

Analysis of the implementation of ultra high density grazing with white and black eared cattle in the experimental farm of the university Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña. (2022). Mundo FESC Journal, 12(s4).

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