Airbnb's business model: An innovative approach to the hotel industry

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José Morelos Gómez
Edith Romero Martínez


This research analyzes the impact of Airbnb on
the hotel industry and how it has changed hotel
companies' approach to the customer. Three main
aspects are explored: the impact of Airbnb on the
industry, the adaptation of hotel companies to
disruptive innovation, and the factors that influence
success and sustainability in the new competitive
environment. The methodology used was a literature
review of the most relevant scientific articles, in which
a filtering process of 638 articles was carried out; a
second selection phase allowed to reduce to 20 final
documents. As results, emerging trends and practices
in the hotel industry are identified, which confirms
that Airbnb has generated significant changes in the
demand and supply of accommodation, the price and
rate structure, and the competitive and collaborative
relationships between Airbnb and traditional hotels. In
addition, it examines the strategies adopted by hotel
companies to adapt to this new environment, including
differentiation and personalization of the customer
experience, the implementation of technologies and
business models based on the collaborative economy,
and the redefinition of organizational structure and
talent management. Finally, key factors for success
and sustainability in this new context are identified,
such as service quality and customer satisfaction,
innovation in products and services, and social and
environmental responsibility in the hotel industry.

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How to Cite

Airbnb’s business model: An innovative approach to the hotel industry. (2024). Mundo FESC Journal, 14(28), 273-288.



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