Maintenance engineering based on reliability to the highly critical equipment of the LICRATEX C.A commercializing company


  • Jurgen Stick Blanco Cáceres Universidad de Pamplona
  • Oscar Manuel Duque Suárez Universidad de Pamplona



AMEF, análisis de criticidad, confiabilidad, MCC.


The objective of this study is to apply the methodology of Reliability-Centered Maintenance (MCC)
to the equipment of an industry in the textile sector located in the city of San Cristóbal-Edo. Táchira
in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Diagnosis of the state of maintenance of the company in
general is made through the Covenin 2500 Standard, including the criticality analysis of the different
machines and equipment, the AMEF (analysis of the failure mode and its effects) under the SAEJA1011
standard, Pareto analysis and the critical path method (CPM). The results obtained in the diagnosis
indicate that the company uses in a low percentage, predictive and corrective maintenance, and the
criticality matrix indicates that the fabric tensioning machine is at criticality levels. The proposal was
designed with tasks for the mitigation of failures depending on the type of maintenance selected for
the company’s equipment.
Keywords: AMEF, criticality analysis, reliability, MCC


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How to Cite

Maintenance engineering based on reliability to the highly critical equipment of the LICRATEX C.A commercializing company. (2018). Mundo FESC Journal, 8(15), 41-48.