The teaching process of the public accounting program and its relationship with mathematics


  • Gerson Rueda Vera Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Julio Alfonso Gonzalez Mendoza Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • William Rodrigo Avendaño Castro Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



skills, mathematica, training, public accounting


In the current times the organizations have varied the needs of the Public Accountants that offer professional services, and one of the elements that must be in the contribution of the solutions to the financial and portable problems supported in the mathematical skill, for that reason investigation of the use of mathematical concepts in the learning of students of the Public Accounting program of the Francisco de Paula University Santander (Cúcuta-Colombia); 1600 students formed the population, the sample was 480 students, the information was obtained with the application of the survey, the information was analyzed statistically, the variables were correlated and conclusions were found.


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Artículo Originales

How to Cite

The teaching process of the public accounting program and its relationship with mathematics. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(21), 130-139.

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