Analysis of the implementation of cross-cutting approaches Gender, youth participation and repair of the PDET process in the Framework of the peace agreement in the North Catatumbo of Santander


  • Laura Nataly Galvis-Velandia Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Natalia Yiced Rangel- Alvarez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Alma Yislem Castillo- Sarmiento Universitaria Autonoma del Norte



cross-cutting approach, gender, PDET, participation, peace and reparation


This article allows us to visualize how the transversal approaches of gender, youth participation, and restorative approach are implemented in the municipalities addressed by the PDET Development Program with a Territorial Approach and once prioritized by the PARTICIPAZ project. In addition, the successful experiences resulting from the PDET process are described that made it possible to advance and make visible the transversal approaches of Gender, Territorial and reparative and the contributions to the construction of a culture of peace in Catatumbo and support the entity in the different actions to its missionary function. . The above as a product of the development of a participatory action research (PAR); For this, it is important to mention that we studied how the PDET works and the objective of its 8 pillars that will be deepened in the writing, in addition to a sweep of the pertinent information from documents related to the PDET, community and municipal agreements, among others. It is important to highlight that in terms of the theoretical-methodological documents the approach was made under the gender and transversal approaches in the light of Social Work from the community method.


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How to Cite

Analysis of the implementation of cross-cutting approaches Gender, youth participation and repair of the PDET process in the Framework of the peace agreement in the North Catatumbo of Santander. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S1), 194-210.

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