Wearable patch antenna design: a study under simulations


  • Edwin Jonathan Jabonero -Ramírez Fundación Univeritaria Cafam – Unicafam
  • Eduardo Rodríguez -Araque Fundación Univeritaria Cafam – Unicafam




design, patch antenna, radiation parameters, textiles, wearable


In the last decade, communications centered on the human body (body-centric communications) or focused around the body, have taken on great relevance in the field of wireless mobile communications and with a wide range of applications, such as medical, emergency and relief, military, geopositioning and location, in the logistics industry, among others. An essential part of these telecommunications applications is carried out by wearable antennas. This article presents the design of a wearable patch antenna, using materials and accessories for clothing. This antenna was designed to work at the 4.15 GHz frequency, a frequency used by the operating bands of satellite systems (Band C) and which are also being studied to be implemented in 5G technologies. The radiant patch was designed with a metal button that is used as an accessory in jeans, and the simulated dielectric substrate was made of the same jean textile material with a relative permittivity of 1.6 and a thickness of 1.56 mm. This work presents results of radiation pattern, gain, reflection coefficient and efficiency under numerical analysis with specialized software. The good results of the gain stand out, being this one of 8 dBi, and with respect to the efficiency, a value of 76.88 % was obtained for this proposed wearable patch antenna.


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How to Cite

Wearable patch antenna design: a study under simulations. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S2), 20-32. https://doi.org/10.61799/2216-0388.909

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