The Product Design Course as a Catalyst of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Industrial Engineering Students


  • José Isaías Salas -Hernández Fundación Universitaria Cafam, Unicafam
  • Paola Ordoñez -Rodríguez Fundación Universitaria Cafam, Unicafam
  • Eduardo Rodríguez -Araque Fundación Universitaria Cafam, Unicafam


Catalyst, entrepreneurship, innovation, product design, learning


This research work arises from the need to carry out a reflexive review on how the Product Design course serves as a motivator of innovation and entrepreneurship, in the students of Industrial Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of Unicafam, and investigate the expectations generated by this course in students who have not completed it. Designers in the industrial field have a fundamental role in the production chain, in which they value the requirements of consumers to influence the quality of life positively, so they continually innovate in their proposals. To understand the problems exposed in this research work, a quantitative methodology was used. For this reason, and based on the literary reviews and the analysis of the questionnaires made to the Industrial Engineering students, they revealed that both groups, those who had studied the subject and those who had not, presented a higher percentage in the survey when linking the unit of study with innovation, with a percentage of  97.37 % for those who did not see the academic unit and 78.05 % for those who saw it. Confirming that the Product Design course is a driving force in innovation processes, thus generating entrepreneurial attitudes.


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How to Cite

The Product Design Course as a Catalyst of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Industrial Engineering Students. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S5), 292-301.

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