Educational management with a prospective vision: Effective strategy in the relevance of the teaching-learning process


  • Wlamyr Palacios-Alvarado Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Byron Medina- Delgado Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Jorge Enrique Herrera-Rubio Universidad de Pamplona



gaps, scenarios, proactive, prospective


In the construction of the future, foresight is the science that, due to its strategic nature, plays a significant role, because it minimizes uncertainty and focuses actions to achieve it in the medium and long term, through a proactive attitude so as not to fall into determinisms caused by last; An approach in which educational management with a prospective vision has a considerable impact on the achievement of the desirable scenario for the teaching-learning process. The objective is to evaluate educational management with a prospective vision as an effective strategy in the relevance of the teaching-learning process. The article applies a qualitative and quantitative methodology, through documentary research based on secondary sources of information and descriptive research, applying a questionnaire to manufacturing entrepreneurs. As a result, the proactive, pre-active, reactive and non-acceptance of change attitudes towards the future were determined by professionals linked to the manufacturing companies of Cúcuta. It is concluded that the manufacturing professionals of Cúcuta did not show a proactive attitude, to build the desirable future, in the questioned factors; In other words, there are gaps between the expectations of employers and the attitude of professionals regarding the future.


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How to Cite

Educational management with a prospective vision: Effective strategy in the relevance of the teaching-learning process. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S2), 172-180.

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