Impact on the management and costs of educational infrastructure projects under the SECOP I review in the department of Santander


  • David Ernesto Gómez-Contreras Universidad de Investigación
  • Ender José Barrientos-Monsalve Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Mauricio Enrique Sotelo-Barrios Universidad de Pamplona
  • Silvia Janeth Monsalve-Jaimes Universidad de Pamplona



audit, cost deviations, cost management, time management, lessons learned


This document presents a compendium of the information compiled by postgraduate students from a private university, on the study carried out on the construction contract No. 136 of the state entity Los Santos, Santander, awarded through a bidding process, whose objective is "Improvement of the Mesa de Jéridas Integrated School of the Municipality of Los Santos, Santander”. An analysis of the administrative and financial documentation of the contract was carried out through the review of the documents published in SECOP I, randomly selected from the LP-004-2020 process, showing 2 budget additions close to 14% of the initial budget, and 3 additions in time of 87.5% of what is established in the initial contract. It was possible to determine that the alterations of public order at the national level had a negative impact on the programming and execution of the project activities due to the shortage of materials, as well as improving the processes of formulating civil works where better technical and legal aspects are planned. when starting an execution process.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Contreras, D. E., Barrientos-Monsalve, E. J. ., Sotelo-Barrios, M. E. ., & Monsalve-Jaimes, S. J. (2021). Impact on the management and costs of educational infrastructure projects under the SECOP I review in the department of Santander. Mundo FESC Journal, 11(22), 136–146.



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