Safety and health at work in the construction sector


  • Genny Torcoroma Navarro-Claro Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • José Andrés Bayona-Soto Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Carlos Alberto Pacheco-Sánchez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



accident, working conditions, occupational disease, organization, safety at work, employee


Currently there are established guidelines for the implementation of measures focused on preserving the health and life of workers, even so, there are still weaknesses and inadequacies in the occupational health and safety management systems, evidenced by the occurrence of incidents and Occupational accidents evidenced by the occurrence of incidents and accidents due to or on the occasion of their work functions, which have a direct impact on the quality of life of workers and stakeholders in the organization. The article presents the results of the study carried out on the occupational health and safety system of companies in the construction sector, classified in the general risk system as one of the highest. A descriptive research with a quantitative approach was carried out through the application of surveys directed at 203 workers from 5 companies in the construction sector in the Ocaña Norte de Santander region. The results show weaknesses in the implementation and evaluation of the system. It is concluded that the activities carried out have been ineffective and the systems are limited to compliance with legal regulations and handling of documentation.


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Artículo Originales

How to Cite

Safety and health at work in the construction sector. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S5), 108-120.

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