Collaborative models for managing multiple inventories. Application in the colombian art is an sector


  • Josué Iván Mesa-Mojica Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
  • Hugo Fernando Castro-Silva Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
  • Hugo Felipe Salazar-Sanabria Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia



inventory management, VMI, stochastic models, simulation


The objective of this research is to generate collaborative inventory management policies that reduce the costs associated with inventory management and increase the level of service offered to customers in the handicrafts sector in Colombia under the Vendor Managed Inventory concept. Posing a methodological design that consists of five phases: literature review, information gathering, information analysis, model formulation and solution, and generation and simulation of inventory management policies. The result was the formulation of four models to carry out inventory management: two stochastic models for a single raw material and two stochastic models for multiple raw materials. Finally, each one of the inventory management policies generated by each model is compared, selecting the inventory management policies generated by the models that include multiple products, since they reduce the costs associated with inventories and increase the level of service offered to costumers.


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How to Cite

Collaborative models for managing multiple inventories. Application in the colombian art is an sector. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(21), 96-109.

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