Concrete behavior towards fiber and volcanic ash
concrete, mix, fibers, propertiesAbstract
Concrete being one of the most used materials and that has provided development opportunities to all countries, it is essential to monitor the contributions of this product, that is why the purpose of this research was to analyze and compare the trials and studies that are have been carried out with concrete and the use of materials in the mixture such as glass fibers, metallic fibers and volcanic ash, the method used was the descriptive interpretive with the support of documentary research from databases such as Scopus. The results of this work were based on the fact that the studies carried out were positive when they combined the fibers with the concrete mixture since it improved tensile strength and decreased cracking, adding value to the different structures to be made, this entails and concludes that these structural elements They are already verified by different scientific means to be used in different civil works, providing added value to their structural elements for their useful life.
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