Business dynamics of the apparel and footwear sectors in the city of Cúcuta


  • Mario de Jesús Zambrano-Miranda Universidad Libre
  • Dennys Jazmín Manzano-López Universidad de Pamplona
  • Eder Alexander Botello-Sánchez Universidad de Pamplona
  • Diana Carolina Galvis-Rodríguez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Carolina Marulanda-Ascanio Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte- FESC



business demography, survival rate, business birth rate


The objective of this document is to analyze the business structure of the clothing and footwear sectors through the use of descriptive statistics, analyzing the information from the Unique Business and Social Register (RUES) of the Chamber of Commerce of Cúcuta and the Compite 360° statistical platform as of June 1, 2016; additionally, it makes use of georeferencing to identify the spatial location of the companies of each sector in the City. The results indicate that the business structure of both sectors is very similar in terms of size, trajectory and business legal organization, where there is a significant participation of microenterprises that are relatively very young and there is little organization in societies; the spatial location of the garment sector is established in the northwest of the city while the footwear sector and its parts are spatially located in the southwest of the city. The business demography suggests a low mortality rate in both sectors in contrast to the birth rate (it is higher), resulting in a considerable rate of business turnover, however, for the survival rate and risk these are calculated according to the companies cancelled and renewed in both sectors, according to the study cohort (2012), there is evidence of high probabilities of surviving; However, purifying the indicator for renewed companies (a more "adjusted" figure), of 100% of the companies that were registered in 2012, only about 40% of them survive by 2016.


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How to Cite

Business dynamics of the apparel and footwear sectors in the city of Cúcuta. (2020). Mundo FESC Journal, 10(19), 243-262.

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